Distillate Yield Calculator - Calculator Academy (2024)

Enter the total amount of distillate (g) and the percentage yield (%) into the Distillate Yield Calculator. The calculator will evaluate the Distillate Yield.

Distillate Yield Formula

The following two example problems outline the steps and information needed to calculate the Distillate Yield.


  • DY is the Distillate Yield (g)
  • D is the total amount of distillate (g)
  • Y is the percentage yield (%)

To calculate the distillate yield, multiply the amount of distillate by the yield rate.

How to Calculate Distillate Yield?

The following steps outline how to calculate the Distillate Yield.

  1. First, determine the total amount of distillate (g).
  2. Next, determine the percentage yield (%).
  3. Next, gather the formula from above = DY = D * Y/100.
  4. Finally, calculate the Distillate Yield.
  5. After inserting the variables and calculating the result, check your answer with the calculator above.

Example Problem :

Use the following variables as an example problem to test your knowledge.

total amount of distillate (g) = 100

percentage yield (%) = 40

DY = D * Y/100 = ?

Distillate Yield Calculator - Calculator Academy (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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