Since the earliest days of Yu-Gi-Oh, spell cards have been the most important card type in the game, as their effects can drastically change the outcome of the game at any moment. Cards like "Pot of Greed" and "Graceful Charity" are currently banned because of their powerful ability to draw cards, while cards that are currently legal to play, like "Dark Hole" and "Raigeki", are so powerful that they also spent time on the banned list. These cards are often the core of every deck, but some strategies are reliant on them more than most.
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Many modern control decks have shifted from being reliant on trap cards to using quick-play spells to change the state of the game. Meta strategies like "Sky Striker" and "Runick" make the most of these cards, as they greatly alter the opponent's gameplay. While every deck utilizes powerful spell cards, some strategies are built around an assortment of some of the game's most powerful cards, and those strategies stand the test of time.
8 Performapal is One of the Best Yu-Gi-Oh Decks Ever Created
Best Card: Performapal Monkeyboard
Yu-Gi-Oh: 10 Amazing Negate Cards You Need in Your Deck, Ranked
In the infinitely expanding game of Yu-gi-oh, the need for ways to counter-play meta-dominating decks grows as well. Here are the best cards for it.
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Some decks in Yu-Gi-Oh are so good that they circumvent many of the game's limitations, and these decks are routinely balanced through hits on the banned list. Perhaps one of the best meta decks of all time was heavily reliant on a mechanic that worked around the limitations of the game. "Performapal" is the only deck responsible for an emergency ban list, and multiple cards in the deck saw time limited to either 1 or 0 copies per deck.
Archetype Name | Monkeyboard |
First Set of Support | Duelist Alliance |
Last Set of Support | Dimension Force |
"Performapal" was one of the most consistent decks of all time, as its pendulum monsters, which are both monsters and spell cards, dominated the meta for a few weeks before being heavily nerfed by the banned list. Overall, Pendulum monsters have not been responsible for many meta shifts in Yu-Gi-Oh's history, but "Performapal" is one of the game's best decks ever created.
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7 Majespecter is an Intriguing Control Deck
Best Card: Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin
While some pendulum decks were built to use the pendulum summon mechanic, others were meant to use the effects to control the game. The most versatile of these was "Majespecter", a powerful deck that easily searched for quick-play spell cards that could destroy an assortment of the opponent's cards. However, perhaps the most powerful card in the archetype was "Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin", a consistent boss monster that changed the game for years.
Archetype Name | Majespecter |
First Set of Support | Dimension of Chaos |
Last Set of Support | Phantom of Nightmare |
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"Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin" is a powerful boss monster that allows players to return a card the opponent controls to the hand once per turn. Furthermore, the card has 2000 ATK, making it difficult for many small monsters to get over. While "Majespecter" has not seen play in years, it was one of the strongest spell-based control decks ever made.
6 Zombie Control is a Retro Fan Favorite
Best Card: Zombie World
Throughout Yu-Gi-Oh's history, field spells have often been the most powerful pieces of meta-control decks. Cards like "Necrovalley" and "Mystic Mine" were feared for their ability to completely lock down the game. However, one of these field spells completely synergized with one of Yu-Gi-Oh's fan-favorite retro decks.
Archetype | Zombie |
First Set of Support | Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon |
Last Set of Support | N/A (Zombie still gets support) |
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"Zombie World" changes the type of all monsters on the field and in both players' GYs to Zombie, denying a lot of decks access to their most powerful GY effects. While the "Zombie Control" strategy is outdated by today's standards, it is still a staple in 2011's Edison, New Jersey Format.
5 That Grass Looks Greener is a Unique Card
Best Card: That Grass Looks Greener
While it is common in other trading card games, Yu-Gi-Oh very rarely has decks that are based around a single powerful card. However, one card changed this, as it became the most important card in many meta decks for the one year that it could be played at three copies per deck.
Archetype Name | That Grass Looks Greener |
First Set of Support | Raging Tempest |
Last Set of Support | N/A (That Grass Looks Greener is a single card) |
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"That Grass Looks Greener" made 60-card pile decks viable, as it allowed players to send the top card of their deck to the GY for each card they had in their deck that was greater than their opponent's deck size. This made GY strategies more viable, as it ensured that crucial pieces would go where they were needed. While the card does not see much meta-play today, it was one the most powerful single cards ever printed.
4 Branded Features One of Yu-Gi-Oh's Best Spells
Best Card: Branded Fusion
Meet the Mulcharmies: Yu-Gi-Oh's Newest Deck Building Nightmare
The Mulcharmies are an interesting set of cards, but they present an issue for Yu-Gi-Oh deckbuilding.
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Early fusion-based decks in Yu-Gi-Oh were not good, as "Polymerization" needed to be used to fusion summon every fusion monster. However, modern Yu-Gi-Oh decks usually have their own fusion spell, and one particular fusion spell is among the best spell cards in the game's history. While the deck it is featured in does not entirely rely on the fusion mechanic, its ability to fuse monsters with almost any material makes it a versatile powerhouse.
Archetype Name | Branded |
First Set of Support | Lightning Overdrive |
Last Set of Support | Cyberstorm Access |
"Branded" is a great archetype that has seen meta-play ever since its release in "Lightning Overdrive", and its power is almost entirely due to "Branded Fusion". "Branded Fusion" allows players to use monsters from the deck to summon a fusion monster, making it one of the most consistent fusion spells the game has ever seen. While the deck in the modern era has become known for frustrating floodgates, it is also one of the best spell-oriented decks in the game's history.
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3 Spellbook is an Amazing Retro Powerhouse
Best Card: Spellbook of Judgment
2013's Yu-Gi-Oh meta was completely dominated by two decks, each of them with drastically different playstyles. While "Dragon Rulers" were the far more popular deck, and they have more relevancy in the modern day, "Spellbook" was an intriguing powerhouse in its own right, as its numerous spell cards made it able to adapt to every matchup.
Archetype | Spellbook |
First Set of Support | Magician's Force |
Last Set of Support | Code of the Duelist |
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"Spellbook of Judgment" is the best card that the deck has to offer, and it has seen time on the limited list multiple times. The card allows players to add several spell cards to their hand at the end of the turn while also special summoning a "Spellbook" monster from the deck. Overall, "Spellbook" was a unique deck that is remembered fondly as the deck that popularized spell-focused strategies.
2 Runick is the First Successful Mill Win Condition
Best Card: Runick Fountain
Mill is a common win condition in many card games, but Yu-Gi-Oh has struggled to make it viable for several years. However, one recent deck combined mill with adaptive combos to become one of the game's most consistent meta threats. "Runick" features no main deck monsters, instead deciding to focus on a flurry of spell cards that each mill a specified amount of cards from the opponent's deck to the GY.
Archetype | Runick |
First Set of Support | Darkwing Blast |
Last Set of Support | Duelist Nexus |
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The best card in the archetype, "Runick Fountain", allows players to activate their "Runick" spells from their hand during the opponent's turn, making every card in the hand a potent threat to an opponent trying to set up their optimal board. In combination with other archetypes like "Spright", "Runick" has been meta multiple times, and it will more than likely continue to be played in the future.
1 Sky Striker is the Best Spell-Oriented Deck in Yu-Gi-Oh's History
Best Card: Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!
Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Duality and Shadow’s Light Have More Potential Than You Realize
Duality and Shadow's Light both have the potential to Special Summon a wide variety of monsters.
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The early Link monsters were not very reliable, as their effects were often subpar and did not allow combos to flourish as they did before the Link era. However, one deck changed this, as its flurry of versatile link 1 monsters made it a meta threat instantly once it was released. "Sky Striker" is the best spell-focused deck ever created, and it continues to be playable in the modern meta.
Archetype Name | Sky Striker |
First Set of Support | Dark Saviors |
Last Set of Support | Duel Overload |
The deck's best card, "Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!", allows players to add a "Sky Striker" card from their deck to their hand, and if there are three or more spell cards in their GY, they can also draw a card. Because the card has no restrictions, it can search itself, allowing players to draw two or sometimes three cards if they can set their GY up optimally. Overall, "Sky Striker" is a phenomenal strategy, and its wide assortment of quick-play spell cards ensures that it is always a rouge threat in the modern meta.
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Yu-Gi-Oh: Master Duel
MASTER DUEL. This isa simulation of the Yu-Gi-Oh card battle game in which players compete in one-on-one duels against opponents. Players take turns selecting cards that represent magical creatures with special attacks (e.g., fireballs, energy bursts, lightning strikes)