Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (2025)

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  • How To Obtain Aya

  • Prime Resurgence Rotation

Warframe's Prime Vault has seen a massive overhaul with the Veilbreaker update. Prime Resurgence returns, and this time it's permanent. Players can now obtain older, inaccessible Prime gear by obtaining Aya and purchasing Relics from a new vendor. This lets you choose which Relics you obtain, making it much easier to obtain unvaulted Prime gear.


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Compared to its original debut, Prime Resurgence hasn't changed much. But if you missed last year's Resurgence, prepare for a much more enjoyable grind. This guide will go over what Prime Resurgence is, how to obtain unvaulted Prime gear, cover Aya drop sources, and we'll answer some common questions surrounding this new program.

Updated December 22, 2023, by Charles Burgar: Prime Resurgence is back in 2023, this time with twice as many Warframes to chase. Digital Extremes has doubled the number of unvaulted Prime items for each Prime Resurgence rotation, making this the perfect time to fill out your Prime collection. We've updated this guide with the current Prime Resurgence rotation that will run from December to February, including every Warframe and weapon that will be unvaulted.

What Is Prime Resurgence?

Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (2)

Prime Resurgence is a system that rotates which Prime items are unvaulted on a monthly basis. At some point every month, Digital Extremes will unvault two previously-inaccessible Prime Warframes, any Prime equipment that was released when they first launched, as well as their Prime Accessories.

To get your hands on these unvaulted Warframes and weapons, you'll need Aya, a new resource that takes the place of Vaulted Relics. Whenever you play an activity that can drop Relics, there is a small chance that you'll get Aya instead. You can bring this Aya to Varzia, a Dax soldier aboard Maroo's Bazaar. She'll be able to convert Aya into any unvaulted Relic you desire, allowing you to target-farm the exact Prime gear you desire.

Prime Resurgence has also changed how purchasing vaulted gear works. Players may use Regal Aya, an untradeable premium currency, to purchase specific Prime Warframes, weapons, or previously vaulted accessories. All Prime Warframes and weapons may be obtained for free; only cosmetics are locked behind Regal Aya.

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How Prime Resurgence Works

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Every month, Varzia will refresh her Relic stock with new offerings, unvaulting a few Warframes and their respective items. Whichever Warframes she was selling before then will enter the Prime Vault once again. Digital Extremes will give a heads-up for which items and entering and leaving the Prime Resurgence program so you can prepare.

The general Prime Resurgence loop looks something like this:

  1. Prime Resurgence refreshes. Varzia has new Relics available for purchase.
  2. Players obtain Aya by completing activities or opening Relic packs.
  3. Bring Aya to Varzia at Maroo's Bazaar to purchase unvaulted Relics.
  4. Play Fissure missions to crack open the relics.
  5. After a few weeks pass, Prime Resurgence will refresh.
    1. Varzia's current Relics will become vaulted once more, replaced with a new batch of offerings.

For most players, you'll farm for Aya to buy Relics, open the Relics to receive the unvaulted Warframes, then stock up on Aya until the next Prime Resurgence launches. This system effectively lets players pre-farm for Prime gear they want, seeing as Aya doesn't change or decay.

Getting Aya

Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (4)

You can obtain Aya from just about every Warframe activity. Wherever Relics drop, there's a chance that Aya will drop instead. This includes:

  • Open world bounties
  • Any Star Chart mission with Relics in the reward pool
  • Relic Packs

Most activities drop one Aya, and this resource is unaffected by boosters. Aya is also untradeable, although the Relics you purchase from Varzia can be traded with others.

Buying Relics From Varzia

Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (5)

Once you have some Aya handy, make your way to Maroo's Bazaar on Mars. You'll find Varzia at the back of the Relay. Speak with her to browse her offerings.

This menu looks similar to an inventory or shop interface, allowing you to sort by categories or search for items directly. Each item costs one of two resources:

  • Aya: Used to purchase Relics which grant Prime parts.
    • A free currency obtained from missions and Relic Packs.
  • Regal Aya: Used to purchase pre-built Primes and Prime Accessories.
    • A premium currency that is untradeabe.

If you aren't interested in spending money, you'll want to sort by Relics to spend your Aya. Grab the Relics that drop the Prime parts you care about, then play any active Fissure missions to crack open the Relics.

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How To Obtain Aya

Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (10)

Aya can be obtained from the following activities:

  • Open world bounties
  • Any content that drops Relics
    • Star Chart missions & endless missions count
  • Relic Packs

Exact drop rates may be found on the Warframe PC Drops website hosted by Digital Extremes. Search for "Aya" on the webpage to find drop sources and overall chances.

How To Get Regal Aya

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Regal Aya is a premium currency that must be purchased. Unlike Platinum, you cannot trade Regal Aya between players. This currency is used for purchasing cosmetic items and pre-built Primes. You do not need Regal Aya to obtain Prime Warframes or weapons.

Farming Aya

Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (12)

As for farming Aya itself, we cover some effective strategies in our Aya farming guide. But if you're in a hurry, here's what we suggest:

  • Cetus Bounties: Level 40-60 bounties have a 38% chance of dropping Aya.
    • Most mid-stage objectives have a 33% drop chance.
  • Deimos Bounties: Level 40-60 bounties have a 28% chance of dropping Aya at later stages.
    • Drop chance is 28% for most stages and is raised to 43% for the final stage.
    • Cavia bounties seem to have similar Aya drop rates.

Fortuna's bounties are the worst to farm due to their lengthy objectives, and Aya's drop rates aboard the Zariman are incredibly low. You're more likely to get Gyre parts than Aya from the Zariman, so we recommend farming the Plains or Deimos instead.

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Prime Resurgence Rotation

Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (14)

2023's Prime Resurgence is opening the Prime Vault once more, giving players a chance to farm over a dozen vaulted Prime Warframes and weapons. This year's Prime Resurgence rotates its offerings every two weeks. Each rotation includes four Warframes and eight weapons. Their Relics will be available in Varzia's shop until the next rotation.

Relics may be traded between players at any time, even after the current Prime Resurgence rotation ends.

After two weeks pass, Varzia will refresh her Relic offerings with a new batch of Prime Warframes and weapons. Prime Resurgence has four rotations in total. The final rotation includes the previous three rotations, so if you miss a couple of weeks during this event, you'll have a second chance to get any specific Prime items you missed.



Weapons And Equipment

Rotation 1

December 21 - January 4

  • Hydroid Prime
  • Ivara Prime
  • Mesa Prime
  • Oberon Prime
  • Akjagara Prime
  • Aksomati Prime
  • Ballistica Prime
  • Baza Prime
  • Nami Skyla Prime
  • Redeemer Prime
  • Silva & Aegis Prime
  • Sybaris Prime

Rotation 2

January 4 - January 18

  • Loki Prime
  • Nova Prime
  • Trinity Prime
  • Volt Prime
  • Bo Prime
  • Dual Kamas Prime
  • Kavasa Prime Collar
  • Odonata Prime
  • Soma Prime
  • Vasto Prime
  • Wyrm Prime

Rotation 3

January 18 - February 1

  • Atlas Prime
  • Saryn Prime
  • Valkyr Prime
  • Vauban Prime
  • Akstilleto Prime
  • Cernos Prime
  • Dethcube Prime
  • Fragor Prime
  • Nikana Prime
  • Spira Prime
  • Tekko Prime
  • Venka Prime

Rotation 4

February 1 - February 15

  • All previous rotation offerings
  • Nyx Prime
  • Rhino Prime
  • All previous rotation offerings
  • Ankyros Prime
  • Boltor Prime
  • Hikou Prime
  • Scindo Prime

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Prime Resurgence Q&A

Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (15)

What Happened To The Prime Vault?

The Prime Vault program has been replaced with Prime Resurgence. This system rotates Prime gear far more frequently, lets players purchase Prime-related goods à la carte, and makes it much easier to obtain the vaulted Relics you care about.

Can I Get Regal Aya For Free?

No. Regal Aya must be purchased from warframe.com. Unlike Platinum, this currency cannot be traded. Players can spend Regal Aya to obtain pre-build Prime gear and Prime Accessories, although the Prime gear may also be obtained by purchasing Relics for standard Aya. All Regal Aya purchases come with a small sum of Platinum which can be traded.

What's The Best Aya Farm?

In general, we recommend open world bounties. Cetus bounties are the fastest, while Deimos bounties seem to drop the most if you complete every stage. We cover these farms in-depth in our Aya farming guide.

Can I Save Aya For Future Prime Warframes?

Yes. Aya doesn't disappear when a new Prime Resurgence occurs. If you want to prepare for a future Prime Resurgence rotation, you can always farm for Aya.

Do Warframes Still Get Vaulted?

Yes, Warframes still rotate in and out of the game. This system was designed to make rotating vaulted Warframes much faster. Prime gear will still get vaulted every three months when a new Prime Warframe launches.

Does Prime Resurgence Affect Prime Access?

No. Both programs are different and do not affect each other. Prime Resurgence happens independently of Prime Access. For example, you cannot use Regal Aya to purchase items from the current Prime Access.

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Warframe: Prime Resurgence Guide – Aya, Regal Aya, And Vaulted Primes (2025)
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