Food In Ecuador - What To Know & Eat In Ecuador (2024)

No matter where you are in Ecuador, make sure to enjoy these quintessentially Ecuadorian delicacies:

· Locro de Papa

Locro de papa is a popular Ecuadorian potato soup and a good go-to dish on menus throughout Ecuador. Though it originated in Quito, the soup has taken on new identities and flavors from various regions. In the Andes, it’s traditionally made with potato, onion, garlic, cumin, achiote (annatto), milk, cheese and cilantro. On the coast, you’ll find locro with shrimp (langostinos) and crab (cangrejo), and in other parts of the country, you might come across versions with peanuts, choclo (corn) or lima beans incorporated.

· Llapingachos

Llapingachos are potato patties stuffed with cheese and made crispy on the griddle. You’ll often find them as a side dish on your plate when you order any of the typical Ecuadorian dishes. They’re also sometimes dressed up with salsa de mani (peanut sauce), a fried egg, tomato and onion, making for a unique and delicious breakfast!

· Seco de Chivo

Seco de chivo is a braised goat stew that’s traditionally consumed during festivals and other special occasions. Though you’ll likely find it on menus across Ecuador, the flavor will vary based on the beverage used to prepare it. The most traditional version is made with chicha, a fermented corn drink from the Andes. Other variations use beer or juice from the naranjilla fruit.

· Naranjilla

Naranjilla is a local fruit similar in appearance to an orange. Some describe the taste like a cross between rhubarb and lime. As it’s a seedy fruit, naranjillas are best enjoyed in juice form or cut in half and sprinkled with some salt before squeezing the juice into your mouth.

· Ceviche

Like Peru’s version, Ecuadorian ceviche is typically made with fish or seafood that’s cooked in lime juice and served with red onions and cilantro. The difference between the two versions is Ecuadorian ceviche’s soupy consistency. In Ecuador, ceviche is served in the juices it was cooked or marinated in. Top yours off like a local by adding ketchup, mustard or hot sauce.

Backroads Pro Tip

If you’re vegetarian, look for the very popular vegetarian-style ceviche called “cevichocho,” which is made from a bean called chocho (lupini bean). It’s sometimes also called “ceviche serrano” (highland ceviche) because it doesn’t rely on seafood like the coastal ceviche.

Food In Ecuador - What To Know & Eat In Ecuador (2024)
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